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May 8, 2024

10 DIY Natural Toners for Balancing Skin pH

Ditch harsh chemicals! Craft DIY toners to balance your skin's pH naturally.

Natural Toners

To stay healthy and free of germs, our skin needs to stay in good shape. But sometimes things like strong soaps, air pollution, or even just being stressed can throw off our skin’s balance. That is where Natural toners come in handy! They clean our skin and get it ready for other things we put on it, like a special drink.

But the store-bought toners can be very expensive and have a lot of strong stuff in them. But what do you know? We have things in the kitchen that we can use to make our own toners! Garden plants and other gentle things can help our face feel good.

Like aloe vera for dry skin and witch hazel to calm down sticky skin. We save money by making our own toners, and they also feel great on our face. Let’s not use harsh ingredients and instead try these fun recipes for healthy skin.

10 DIY Natural Toners for Every Skin Type

Here are some skin-friendly things we can make at home. These waters are like magic; they make our skin healthy and happy. To keep our face healthy and balanced, we’ll learn how to make 10 simple and cool toners.

Natural Toners

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you have a skin problem like acne, this might help. It also has something called malic acid, which can get rid of dead skin cells softly. A

Apple cider vinegar can also kill the bad germs that cause acne. But watch out! You have to mix it with water first because it’s very strong.

Ingredients: 1 part apple cider vinegar, 2 parts water


Step1: First, get water and apple cider vinegar.
Step2: Next, use a clean bowl or cup to mix them together.
Step3: After that, put a soft cotton ball or pad into the mix.
Step4: Now, use a tissue-like touch to gently put it on your face.
Step5: Wash it off with water after a while

Frequency of Use: 1-2 times a week.


Rosewater does more than just smell good, did you know? It’s good for our skin in some really cool ways! Rosewater has something in it that fights inflammation, so it can help calm down redness and discomfort.

Rose water can make our face look fresh and full. Our skin can even look really nice and healthy if we use it a lot!

Natural Toners

Ingredients: Rose petals, Distilled water


Step1: First, we heat up some special water and add rose petals to it. The petals will change colour as the water cools.
Step2: After that, we take the petals off the liquid and let it cool down.
Step3: Last, we put the special rosewater into a fresh, new bottle.

Frequency of Use: Daily

Natural Toners

Green Tea

Free radicals are bad guys that can age your skin faster than it should. Also, guess what?

You can even use green tea to keep your skin in check, like a tightrope dancer. Having balanced skin is like giving all of your skin cells a nice place to live.

Ingredients: Green tea bag, Hot water


Step1: I heated up some water and put a tea bag in it.
Step2: It took a while to cool down.
Step3: After that, I put the green tea in a spray bottle or put it on with a cotton pad.

Frequency of Use: Daily

Witch hazel

Witch hazel is great for your health. By making your pores smaller, it makes your skin feel nice and tight. Plus, if your face is oily, it helps because it stops too much oil.

Witch hazel can also help if your skin is red or hurting because it has things in it that ease the pain. Not only that, but it also keeps your face healthy and happy.

Natural Toners

Ingredients: Witch hazel extract, Water


Step1: First, we add water to some witch hazel.
Step2: Then we used a soft cotton ball or pad to put it on our face.
Step3: Before putting on oil, we let it dry.

Frequency of Use: 2-3 times a week.

Natural Toners

Cucumber witch hazel

Do you ever feel like your face could use some help? What do you know? Lemon and witch hazel can help! When you put cucumber on your face, it feels cool and less red and swollen.

Witch Hazel also works magic! It keeps your face in balance and makes your pores look smaller.

Ingredients: Cucumber, Witch hazel extract


Step1: Allow us to begin with the green cucumber.
Step2: It’s turned into juice by a machine.
Step3: Then we take something else unique called witch hazel.
Step4: The cucumber juice and witch hazel are both mixed in the same amount.
Step5: We’ll now put this on our skin with a soft cotton ball or pad.

Frequency of Use: Daily

Rice water

What is rice water? It’s like skin magic! Asians put it on their face to make it look great. There are many good things in rice water, like vitamins and things that keep our skin healthy and happy.

But we don’t have to use harsh things to make our skin soft. We can just use rice water.

Natural Toners

Ingredients: Rice, Water


Step1: I clean up half a cup of rice by washing it.
Step2: I wait 30 minutes and then put the rice in two cups of water.
Step3: After that, I put the rice water in a clean pot.

Frequency of Use: Daily

Natural Toners

Lemon and coconut water

Lemon juice and coconut water together make our face look great and shiny. Lemon juice cleans our skin by getting rid of dead skin cells, which makes it look smooth and bright.

When we drink water on a hot day, it makes our face feel full and hydrated. Coconut water does the same thing. They look really good for our skin when they work together.

Ingredients: Lemon juice, Coconut water


Step1: Coconut water and lemon juice are what we need.
Step2: I know how to mix them!
Step3: It’s on my skin with a cotton ball or pad.
Step4: After that, I wait 10 to 15 minutes.
Step5: Then I use water to wash it off.

Frequency of Use: 2-3 times a week.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is great for your face. This plant is known for its ability to heal and soothe, and it can help with itching and inflammation.

It also helps keep your skin’s pH level in check, which is good for health. Your face will feel soft, smooth, and pampered after this.

Natural Toners

Ingredients: Fresh aloe vera gel


Step1: The aloe plant gives us gooey things.
Step2: Gentle rub it into your skin.
Step3: Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes.
Step4: Use water to get rid of it.

Frequency of Use: Daily

Natural Toners


It’s in tea, and when your skin is red or itchy, it really helps calm it down. It’s like when firemen put out big fires. Chamomile does even more, though!

Using chamomile in your skin care can make it feel healthy and happy, just like having chamomile tea can help you relax.

Ingredients: Chamomile tea bag, Hot water


Step1: I heated water and put a tea bag in it.
Step2: It took a while to cool down.
Step3: After that, I either sprayed the tea on my face with a cotton pad or put the tea in a spray bottle.

Frequency of Use: Daily


Yarn can be good for your skin, no? Getting rid of dead skin cells with this gentle helper makes your skin look smoother and healthier

But wait, there’s more! When you eat yoghurt, it soaks into your skin and makes it feel soft and smooth.

Natural Toners

Ingredients: Plain yogurt


Step1: We put tasty yoghurt on our bodies.
Step2: It’s a light rub.
Step3: We have to wait 10 to 15 minutes.
Step4: After that, we use water to wash it off.

Frequency of Use: 2-3 times a week.

Do you have tips or tricks for improving these DIY hacks? Drop your suggestions and experiences in the comments section!


  • Radhika Gupta

    Radhika Gupta is a passionate blogger and writer at BlogSUS who loves sharing easy DIY hacks to improve your skin, hair, and makeup. She writes helpful pieces with useful tips and tricks for a glowing self-care experience. She has a genius for making beauty routines easier to follow.

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Radhika Gupta is a passionate blogger and writer at BlogSUS who loves sharing easy DIY hacks to improve your skin, hair, and makeup. She writes helpful pieces with useful tips and tricks for a glowing self-care experience. She has a genius for making beauty routines easier to follow.

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